Wednesday, December 05, 2007


It seems that the picket lines are filled with rumors these days. Rumors about when the strike will end, what happened at the latest negotiations, who's picketing, who isn't picketing, who is crossing the line, etc. I mean, it's understandable, we are walking around in circles for 3 hours and hearsay is far more interesting than one's resume, development deal, or pilot idea. Hot goss rocks!

So my friend Joe, who is still towing the line over at CBS/Radford, left me a message tonight telling me that he heard gossip on the line today and my name was mentioned. I tried to call him back but had to wait an excruciating hour to find out what was said about me. I won't make you wait that long. Here it is: Apparently there is a lack of The Game writers at the Colfax gate while all the Girlfriends writers show up each and every day. So Mark, the Strike Captain from Girlfriends was grilling Elaine, my Strike Captain, about where people were. Joe heard this, (snarky tone) "And what about Julie Bean? Where is she?" Joe, who only heard this because he was between Howard Stern shows on his portable Sirius, was about to say something when Elaine stuck up for me. She told Mark that I was picketing at Sony with my husband. Mark then asked about a few more people and then claimed that we were all liars.

My reaction to Joe's gossip was complex. At first I was sick to my stomach when I couldn't reach him and had no idea what the gossip was. Once I heard what it was I was pissed that Mark would be checking for me. Who the f*ck is he to wonder where I am? But then I was sad because the reaction Mark was having about people not showing up is the same one I had about people not showing up and I know it's a shitty was to feel. The only way to get over those bad feelings is to accept that you can only account for yourself and hope that everyone else has the integrity to be honest about where and when they are picketing. If not, you'll lose your hope in humanity and possibly your mind. Thinking about that is one rabbit hole you do not want to go down when you got nothing but three hour of walking ahead of you. Trust me, mark, I know. Depression is anger turned inward.

Maybe what Mark needs is evidence that I'm doing what I say I'm doing (although knowing that Elaine trusts me is probably enough evidence for him). Maybe he needs, heck, the WORLD needs it's first peek at people from Sony Gate 2, 6am to 9 am shift. Here you go, World!

From left to right that's Lew (hiding a blemish), Sam (being super cute and not even trying), Joe (who I don't know so well), Me (looking like a dude with no make-up), Rick (the man, the legend). Missing from the picture are mainstays Wally (who is taking the picture), Mike, another Mike, and Chris. They're a motley crew but I do love them.


Facts online said...

Me (looking like a dude with no make-up)

Whereas Sam looks like a dude with make-up. Burnt!

Anonymous said...

thank god, you shared joe's gossip, i couldn't sleep last night.

Anonymous said...

Oo, small crew! I hope it's not just you guys there...

Schuyler said...

Strongbad walking the line!! Woohoo!

Schuyler said...

Oh, and I swiped the picture for my blog, if you mind I'll take it down, but it looks so good...

Julie said...

Anne, it is a small crew but we are very, very powerful. Someday we even hope to stop the Office Max truck that pulls up everyday at 6:30am. The only real traffic at this gate.